Defying Limits: The Power of Pushing Beyond Your Perceived Capabilities

Tony Fahkry
6 min readOct 3, 2024

Understanding Self-Limiting Beliefs

“Your belief determines your action, and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.” — Mark Victor Hansen.

What if the limitations you perceive in your career, relationships, finances, or health are not as real as they seem? What if they are mental barriers formed by past experiences and societal expectations? These limitations may prevent you from the success and personal fulfillment you desire. But what if you could change them?

This journey is not about staying safe in your comfort zone but expanding it. Join me over the coming paragraphs as we explore how pushing beyond your perceived boundaries can empower you to transform your life.

Self-limiting beliefs are repeated thoughts we tell ourselves to keep us from getting hurt. For instance, we may have experienced challenges in our intimate relationships and formed the limiting belief that relationships are complicated and not worth the effort. Therefore, we stop taking risks in our dating life for fear of getting hurt. That is, we trade our happiness for emotional safety.



Tony Fahkry

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