How to Stop Resisting Life and Find Hidden Gems in Every Experience

Tony Fahkry
4 min readOct 2, 2024

Go With The Natural Flow Of Events

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” — Charles Darwin

What are you currently resisting in your life? Is it a change in circumstances beyond your control? Or perhaps it’s something you feel you’re missing out on? What negative emotions are you grappling with as a result?

Is it anger, frustration, anxiety, fear, or something else? How are you responding to them? It’s important to ask questions to understand the root cause of our negative emotions.

You might say you are angry and frustrated because you’re unable to control your circumstances. And you wouldn’t be wrong to feel this way; however, what is the fundamental reason behind it?

You see, the emotions you’re experiencing may not only be attributed to the conditions you find yourself in. There could be something deeper beneath the surface that warrants your investigation.

In my years of coaching clients, I have found that those most responsive to change always thrive. These people are psychologically flexible and embrace…



Tony Fahkry

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