The Art of Abundance: Ten Rules for a Prosperous Life Review
The Art of Abundance: Ten Rules for a Prosperous Life is a book that ought to be read by all. It contains essential wisdom regarding clarifying the difference between abundance and prosperity that many will embrace. Interspersed throughout each chapter are handpicked quotes that remind me of the cherries of the front cover, inferring they have been delicately chosen to compliment the book.
The Art of Abundance invites the reader to reconnect with the oneness with life. The ten rules are centred on raising one’s consciousness to live with an awareness that abundance is the gift already given. Dennis Merritt Jones has done a wonderful job distilling the essence of abundance into this gem of a book. He affirms that a life replete with wholeness and fulfilment is possible to all. One must see it first and develop the faith to receive it. By venturing outside our comfort zone and drawing on the 10 rules of abundance, we will come to realise a new perspective of life seen through the eyes of a greater intelligence.
Having read many of the old classics on prosperity and abundance including: Napoleon Hill, James Allen, Charles Fillmore, Catherine Ponder and Wallace Wattles, I find Dennis’ book a refreshing read. It offers a renewed perspective on how to live a life of abundance applicable to modern times. The author states how the rules throughout the book are not breaking news; the principles and laws are as ancient as the universe itself. Yet, it is how he brings them together that captures the reader’s attention. I’m drawn to the subheadings within each chapter labelled: The Premise, The Problem, The Principle, The Practice and The Payoff. Dennis identifies the problem faced by many and outlines the principles of abundance. The practice is the reader’s invitation to apply the principle of abundance, while the payoff summaries how it serves the reader. Overall, this is a delightful book that is thoughtfully laid out and promises to impart wonderful pearls of wisdom.