Why It Is Possible To Pursue Your Passion And Follow Your Bliss

Tony Fahkry
5 min readMay 11, 2022
Photo by Instagram.com/jamie_fenn on Unsplash

Your Skills and Passion

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” — Rumi

What fuels your spirit? What are you passionate about? To follow your passion, you not only serve others, you serve yourself. By aligning with your authentic nature you explore your gifts, talents and wisdom.

This is the foundation to awakening the authentic self: being in alignment with universal intention. A useful metaphor to illustrate this point is seen in nature’s design through a snowflake viewed under a microscope.

The intricate fractal design comprised of symmetrical structures reveals the shimmering wonder that lies beneath. Knowing this, I invite you to model your thinking on nature’s wisdom since you are expressed through her inspired brilliance.

Sadly, most people never experience the joy of becoming their best since they fail to acknowledge their genius. They believe they are undeserving of such gifts.

To highlight the misleading basis of this belief, consider snowflakes refusing to fall in winter because they are inferior to other snowflakes, much more brilliant in design. The analogy though simple, illustrates that…



Tony Fahkry

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