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Why Life Is A Mirror Reflecting Your Inner World

Tony Fahkry
Published in
6 min readJan 30, 2018



“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” — Ernest Holmes

“Why are you so wary of thought?” said the philosopher. “Thought is the only way we have for organising the world.”

“True. But thought can organise the world so well that you are no longer able to see it.”

To his disciples he later said: “A thought is a screen, not a mirror; that is why you live in a thought envelope, untouched by Reality.”

This delightful tale by Anthony de Mello underscores the message; life is a filter reflecting your innermost thoughts.

People consider their problems to come from outside conditions. They try in vain to change the world surrounding them in hope things will improve. This seldom works because their thoughts are out of alignment.

It was the French-born novelist Anais Nin who said: “You do not see the world as it is. You see it as you are.”

What you hold in mind comes to life irrespective of your preferences.

Life is a mirror; its reflection shines your image back to you.

“External conditions mirror internal conditions, so straightening your room settles internal disorder” affirms authors Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom in, The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence.

If you agree the world is volatile, you will look for evidence to substantiate this.

You might tune into the news and hear of unfortunate incidents that confirm your beliefs.

The Power Of Belief

“Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.” — Earl Nightingale

However, other people claim life is wonderful and attract pleasant experiences as a result. They are not Pollyannaish but choose happiness over adversity.

So, here we have two people attracting different circumstances.

It is because their predominant beliefs dictate their reality.

You are continually shaping the world around you as a result of conscious and unconscious thoughts. Reality is but a mirror reflecting your inner world.

If you entertain distorted thoughts, correct them to align with the truth. If you don’t, they are likely to lead you down the rabbit hole of despair.

The choice is yours. Reality brings forth external conditions according to your thoughts.

Life is neither fair nor unfair. It merely provides confirmation of your thoughts as the user and experiencer.

I enjoy author Michael Neill’s perspective in, The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home, “Since our experience of life is really an experience of Thought, the more we have on our mind, the more complicated everything seems, and the more the aperture of our consciousness tends to contract. Before we know it, all we can see when we look out into the world is our own thinking reflected back to us in the fun-house mirror of our own self-consciousness.”

Consider those who were once ill and become healthy again, as a result of their thoughts mirroring a new health consciousness.

It was Albert Einstein who said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”

It makes sense to examine your thoughts to improve your conditions.

Free Will or Free Choice?

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” — Thomas Paine

Life abounds due to its dualistic nature of equal and opposites.

Day gives way to night and each complement the other. If there were only night, how would you appreciate the light of day?

Some people hold strongly to the notion of free will. I am of the opinion it is the illusion of free will, whereby our unconscious beliefs are being reflected to us as free choice.

What I mean is, your choices are the result of conditioned beliefs carried from a young age. Your beliefs are unconscious because they are formed during an impressionable period. You had little choice in the matter because your upbringing was not of your control.

Life offers you feedback to the congruency of your thoughts, so you can take action to correct them.

“Think of the outer environment as a mirror of your inner environment. When you see something on the outside, such as an event or situation, look inside yourself for the reflection, the parallel, the connection,” state authors Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom.

Many people are dogmatic in their thinking and consider their thoughts are fixed. This is erroneous because millions of people have overcome limiting beliefs to create empowering lives.

Your life is a sequence of: outcomes, symbols and shadows. Good and bad moments do not exist save for the meaning you assign to them. Reality provides you feedback to help you right the wrong and create new circumstances based on a shift in awareness.

Personal development and self-improvement becomes the vehicle towards lasting change, if you are prepared to do the inner work.

The obstacle becomes the path.

The journey shows the way.

You are the master of your fate. Should you resign yourself to victim, life will assuredly offer you evidence of this.

Free choice means life is neutral and ready to respond to your thoughts.

You are playing a game in which many are unaware of the rules.

Thoughts Create The Future

“Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that is happening inside of us.” — Alan Cohen

You create the future with each new thought. This is a powerful faculty to override circumstances you do not wish to carry forward.

Author Neale Donald Walsch reminds us: “Life proceeds out of your intentions for it. This is the fuel that drives the engine of creation in your life.”

Negative thoughts shine the light on your unconscious mind. They contain lessons to enhance your personal evolution and create a new reality.

Life is a miraculous entity based on universal laws. When you abide by them, you co-create circumstances under these laws.

If you align with negativity, you attract that into your reality.

The cynic finds this unwelcoming, but the optimist recognises it as an opportunity to correct their thoughts.

American author and speaker Byron Katie affirms in Loving What Is: How Four Questions Can Change Your Life, “The world is the mirror image of your mind. If you experience chaos and confusion inside, your external world has to reflect that. You have to see what you believe because you are the confused thinker looking out and seeing yourself. You are the interpreter of everything, and if you’re chaotic, what you hear and see has to be chaos.”

People seldom investigate their thoughts. If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it they proclaim.

If you do not examine your fundamental thoughts, they will become habitual. As creatures of habit this is bound to show up in your reality sooner or later.

Life is a by-product of what you hold in mind.

As within so without states the Hermetic aphorism.

The Master conveyed to his disciples, a thought is a screen, not a mirror.

You live in the landscape of your thoughts until they merge to become reality.

Choose your thoughts wisely while healing the unconscious because life has a way of catching up to you if you are unaware.

It is my hope you enjoy what unfolds and become awake to the natural flow of life.

Call To Action

To live a remarkable life, you must take consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts. Download your FREE COPY of my comprehensive eBook: NAVIGATE LIFE and embark upon your journey of greatness today!




Published in Mission.org

A network of business & tech podcasts designed to accelerate learning.

Tony Fahkry
Tony Fahkry

Written by Tony Fahkry

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